
Archive for February, 2011

Hello Friends,

It’s March!

Things are a little quiet this month for our Library Fundraiser as we gear up for all the fun in April and May. Well, we thought we’d just keep the ball rolling with an on-line raffle or two. So, if you’ve been thinking about making a little donation, this may just be the month to do it!

Also, if you can see your way clear, please tell a few friends about this fundraiser and send along the link to this blog. The more the merrier!

Here’s how the Raffle works:

During the month of March, with every $5 donation (online, cheque or cash – see the Fundraising Page of this blog), 3 Raffle Tickets will be put into our “lucky pot”  with your name on them.  When you donate, drop me a quick email, so I can get your name into the “lucky pot” asap!


Shari's Kitchen Pot becomes...

... "The Lucky Pot!"

If you donate before March 17, you will be eligible for TWO  raffles. That’s right, TWO! We will be having one draw on St. Patrick’s Day and another on April Fool’s Day.

For Example: If you donate $25, you get (5×3) 15 chances to win  x 2 basket raffles…that equals  30 chances to win!

Raffle #1

The St. Patrick’s Day Bailey’s Basket

To be drawn:  Thursday, March 17 at  Noon.

This basket is in honour of my Grandfather, Bill Sullivan, who died a few years ago and is missed greatly by our whole family.  It is made with love by Bill’s daughter, Maureen, (my Mom has a real knack for these kinds of things!) and is filled with lots of Irish goodies…including, naturally, a wee bottle of Bailey’s.

My Grampa loved his Irish heritage and it’s from him that I inherited a bit o’ blarney, a sense of humour, and the ability to curse and still remain a lady!  😉  My good manners, he told me, come from my Gramma…not him!  However, let’s not  forget, he also passed along the value of education, the love of family and children, and a sense of civic responsibility and hard work. Thanks Grampa!

Raffle #2

The “Everyone Loves a Fool” Basket

To be drawn:  Friday, April 1st at Noon

This basket is not in honour of my grandfather, but I think he’d like this one too!  🙂 I cannot really tell you what is in this “Mystery Basket” as it is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION  by a designated April Fool (that would be ME). I can, however, guarantee that it will bring a smile to your face, put a spring in your step, and that this basket, too,  will have a  wee bottle of Baileys in it…HEY,  fair is fair!

Hmmm... What shall I put in this basket????

So, in honour of the leprechaun and the fool in us all, make a donation this month, get your name into the raffle and enjoy the month of March!

Cheers Everyone,


p.s.   A quick point of logistics: the draws will take place on the dates and times that I mentioned.  Winning ballots will be drawn in public in my department at Niagara College with witnesses.  I will also videotape the draw and post it on Facebook for all to see.  I will try to upgrade this blog so that I can post video here too!!    (Gotta keep it legit!)  For the winners, I will contact you and arrange delivery asap!

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Ethiopian Fun Fact Friday

Ethiopia has the 3rd largest population of donkeys in the world!

There are about 44 million donkeys in the world today.  China has the most with 11 million, followed by Pakistan, Ethiopia and Mexico.

Ethiopians have a saying: “A man without a donkey, IS a donkey”.

You can imagine that in a country where life is hard for the people, it can also be very tough on the animals. A donkey should live about 30 years, but this is reduced to 6 years in Ethiopia, which is unfortunate because they truly are an essential part of life for many people.

“In the rural areas which make up 85% of the country, donkeys are used for collecting a family’s fresh water supply, working on the farm, carrying produce and goods to and from markets – all the basic activities that support people’s day-to-day lives. Donkeys carry large bales of firewood, sacks of grain, charcoal and building materials including timber, bricks, sand and blocks of cement.” (Donkey Sanctuary)

An organization called The Donkey Sanctuary has been working in Ethiopia since 1986 and has forged a working partnership with the University of Addis Ababa’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. There is a busy donkey hospital and  approximately 250 donkeys are admitted each year. The hospital is also used as a training centre for donkey owners, vets and farriers. The hospital holds clinics twice a week and it is not unusual to see up to 1,000 donkeys in one day. Owners are also able to bring their donkeys in for emergency treatment at any time and there are mobile clinics, training centres and a radio broadcast giving advice about how to care for your donkey.

According to Jane Kurtz, at this point, Ethiopia Reads has five donkey libraries that do their work in the south and one in the north part of the country.  Some of them stop under a tree.  The library managers pull stools out–and some children take the books to their houses to read to siblings and even parents.  Sometimes, the donkey library pulls up to a school.  Most schools in Ethiopia don’t have libraries, so books that can travel to the school are enormously helpful in opening the students’ eyes and hearts to the world around and inside them.  You can see a video of the donkey-mobile in the blogroll.

Anyway, I suddenly have a newly-found fondness for donkeys!!!

Have a great weekend everyone,


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Hi Everyone,

Just a bit of advance notice!  Please mark the following events on your calendar.

Saturday April 2, 1-4 pm –  International Children’s Storytelling Event  at Chapters in the Fairview Mall St. Catharines

Friday May 13,  approx. 7-10 pm – Ethiopia Reads Trivia Night, Unitarian Church Hall, St. Catharines



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Wordless Wednesday

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My Multi-talented Mom!

Hi Everyone,

If you’ve been following this blog, you know that my Mom (and my sister!) was the magic behind those lovely little cupcakes and other wonderful baked goods in our Valentine’s Day Sale.   What you might not know is what she’s been up to behind the scenes and what is coming up.  Although very much a part of the “sandwich generation”…caught somewhere between  my 7 year old nephew and my two Grammas…my Mom has also been helping me every step of the way, putting her creativity and organizational skills to the dozens of tasks of this fundraiser.  Here’s is a glimpse of just a couple of the things she has been up to lately:

1. She’s been collecting books and other items for a Summer Garage Sale. If you have any books or other things you want to donate, I’m keeping a blue rubbermaid container in my car for delivery to her.

2. She’s organizing a “Scentsy” Party (wickless candles and warmers) with her friends and colleagues from Burlington.  It looks like a great little product, so let me know if you want to attend the party or order one.  I can bring in a catalogue , and 20% of the purchase will go toward our library. There are so many great styles; although, I’m partial to the travel tin and the little toy lamb, myself.

Here’s the link to the Scentsy Canada website.


3. She’s beading.  Our next new craft is BEADED BOOKMARKS . I have made some paper ones to hand out with information, but it was my room-mate Lynn who came up with the idea of beaded bookmarks.  I’ve been  consulting with my friend Julianne, who makes beautiful beaded rings, my sister, who has done beading in the past, and my Mom, who has a friend that makes beaded bookmarks.  At first, I will make 25 and my Mom will make 25.  We will see how it goes; how much it costs to produce, how much time it takes etc. etc.  We will try to sell them at some of the events coming up.  I had a look at some examples online and there are so many lovely variations.  If you have any suggestions about styles that you like, or what the price should be, we’re looking for advice here.

Of course, we’re all getting excited, not only about our library fundraisers, but about the adoption of my little girl!  We are all hoping it will happen this year and thinking and planning ahead to those happy times too!


Love, Shari


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Hi Everyone,

Right now, I am in the process of setting up a fundraising event at the Chapters at the Fairview Mall in St. Catharines. There is no set date yet, but here’s how it’s going to work.

Chapters will donate space and I will be able to hold an event to promote Ethiopia Reads.  During this event, 10% of whatever people buy at the bookstore will be given to our fundraiser.  So, don’t buy any books yet…I’ll set up the date this week!   I am thinking to set up a table with information, beaded bookmarks for sale and also little paper bookmarks to remind people to make the donation when they reach the cash.

Here is the link to what Chapters-Indigo do in terms of fundraising.


The fundraising activity itself will be an International Children’s Storytelling event.  So, I am looking for people who are willing to come and tell a children’s story or fable from their culture of about 10 minutes or so long. I’d like to get a mix of countries.  One friend from Niagara College has already agreed to come in and tell a story from Mexico.  She says she will even wear some clothing from Mexico too.   It can be with a book or without it.  With props or without.  With a national costume or without.  Totally, as you like.  Right now, I am in the process of contacting friends and students at Niagara College and in my community here, to see who would be interested. Ever wanted to be a storyteller??  This could be your brief moment of fame…well, at least with some little ones here in Niagara!

Perhaps we will have 3 stories and then a break and then maybe another 3 stories in the next hour.  If it works out, we can always try it again at other Chapters locations or in other bookstores in town.

Storytelling is such a lovely thing, so I can’t think of a better way to get the message of our library out into the community more!!

Please contact me, if you would enjoy telling a story.

Many thanks, Shari

(p.s.  I’ve updated the thermometer – Week 3= $1120.60)

(I know there were some online donations this week, but I don’t have those numbers yet.)

Storytellers cuddle up with kids!! 🙂


Storytellers share wisdom.

Storytellers pass along our history and traditions.

Storytellers set our imaginations "on fire"!

Storytellers bring people together and build community

Storytellers entertain and educate...at the same time!

Storytellers help to build a library for kids who really need one! Thank You!

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Hi all,

Many thanks to you all for getting this fundraiser off to such a GREAT start.  I just wanted to send out a reminder to anyone who is donating online directly on the Ethiopia Reads website.  When you make your donation, it is important to write  “CANADIAN LIBRARY” in the “In honour of…” box.  This way the funds will be appropriately directed.  Here is the direct link to the donation page (also found on my fundraising page).




I am sooooo excited to be a part of the first CANADIAN children’s library in Ethiopia…although this is very much an international effort and I want to send a big HUG out to all my friends worldwide who have been so supportive!

With love, Shari


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Hey Everyone!

You have built 10% of this library… and in only 3 weeks!

Here is a quick financial update:

Ethiopia Reads Online donations to date: $175

Direct Cash donations to date:  $260

Valentine Sale (so far)  $606. (We are still selling some baked good and chocolates in Welland and NOTL this week!)

TOTAL:    $1041.00

Many thanks to my Mom for baking more over the weekend and to Faith for dropping off more candies and chocolates to fill up the empty table in Niagara on the Lake today! We had great feedback, especially on the “bark” and the “cupcakes”!!  Who doesn’t love a cupcake!

Happiness is…a cupcake!

Thanks for all your support everyone!

Stay tuned for the next fundraiser in March!!  I’ll be sending a little “luck of the Irish” your way!!


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Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

Here is a little progress report on our first fundraiser, the Valentine’s Day Chocolate Sale/ Cupid’s Corner.

Cupid's Corner meets...

...Ethiopia Reads

Well, to be honest, I started selling in the International Office at the front desk and in my own tiny chocolate shop/office last Monday, and the majority of the sales happened during the week.  Lynn told me, “if you have product…get it out there!”  Good thing too! (Thanks to Nancy T. for adding chocolate sales in addition to her already busy job at the front desk of our office!)

Many thanks to my colleagues and students for indulging their sweet tooth.  A lot of people bought things for their students, their children or their children’s teachers.  (OK,  maybe a little chocolate with coffee here and there!)  One of my students popped in and almost bought me out one day after school…his girlfriend is going to be showered with all kinds of chocolate this year!

Fearing that there would be nothing left, I created some pretty candy dishes filled with chocolate on Monday night and some grab bags on Thursday night.  My Mom and my sister made beautiful cupcakes and cookies on Thursday, and Dad brought them down on Friday morning.

With the help of Donna, Carrie and Cynthia, we set up the table at about 10:30 on Friday morning…sales were swift…although we had to remove the baked goods and just keep them in the office. (Health and Safety Regulations!! ).  We sold until 12:30, but then I had to go to class. We waited for the next volunteers but no show… we had to shut down. So unfortunately, when the volunteers for the 1:30 time slot did show up, there was nothing for them (goodies packed up and me in class).  OH WELL,  at least Venkata was still enthusiastically selling  Kelly’s fantastic biscotti in the International Office  (thanks you two!!).

Cynthia and her Mother-in-law's Brownies!

Carrie...a Valentine Sweetheart...always ready to lend a hand!

Many thanks to all the Volunteers of the International Club

But not to worry…we have actually sold $522 worth of chocolate and have only about 60-80 dollars of stuff left! That’s pretty good considering that we had competition from the culinary institute selling fabulous truffles in shiny gold, silver and red boxes!  Two for $3!  Fancy!  Oh well, we were cheap and cheerful and that seemed to do the trick! In fact, I think it went amazingly well!

Squires Family Cupcakes...made with love!


As for Monday,  the big day itself…well, we’ll set up a little table in the hallway outside the International Office and send some lovely homemade goodies down to Welland for the back table of the office for my colleagues there.

People have pulled together in so many ways for this little sale:

My family and friends , who really poured a lot of love into baking, delivering, packaging, selling etc. etc.

My colleagues at school, who came to the rescue with an extra pair of hands or advice when I needed it.

My students, who have put up with a distracted teacher talking about chocolate all the time!

People I haven’t even met…like Cynthia’s mother-in-law, who  donated two cosmetic gift baskets and 4 plates of brownies.


In fact, lots of wonderful  little things have happened. After we took the baked goods away, one man spied a plate of yummy brownies which we  had wanted to sell for $4 sitting on one of the chairs .When we told him that we weren’t allowed to sell them, he made a donation of $20, took the brownies and left them in the staff cafeteria. Another person, only took about 75 cents worth of candy but donated $5.

It's almost all gone!!!!

So,although we still have some sales on Monday, I think we can say that the Valentine’s Sale has been a success.

MANY, MANY thanks to everyone!

Fundraising upate

$30 cash donation

$25 online donation

$522 Valentine Sale

$577 TOTAL

This makes our grand total on the thermometer ….$987.

With sales on Monday, we will exceed $1000.  WOW! That is a milestone!!

I’ll finish off with  some quotes:

One for laughs:

“I don’t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine’s Day.  When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.”  ~Author Unknown

And a couple of personal favourites by Antoine de Saint-Exupery:

“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.”

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret; it is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye. ”

Happy Valentine’s Day!



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Cupid’s Corner

Valentine’s Day is still a week away, but today my Mom, my sister and I got together today to get ready for “Cupid’s Corner”, the name my mother has affectionately given the Valentine’s Candy and Chocolate Sale that we are having at Niagara College.  Unfortunately, our sale of home-made cookies and cakes was halted (Health and Safety regulations), but between a generous donation of chocolate from Carolyn and Wayne, my Mother’s creative chocolate concoctions and my trip to the Dollar Store, we are hoping to have about $400 in sales.  Lynn has suggested that since we are ready today, I might as while start to sell tomorrow and get everyone in the mood for Valentine’s Day. If we sell out, well then there’s always next weekend to bake a little more if we want to.  Here are some photos of today’s preparations!

Shari's Dollar Store Coffee Cups!

My Mom...Cupid Herself!

Cupid's Accomplice...my sister Christine.

Cupid's Salesgirl!

Ready to go!! (I must have missed the memo about wearing red! 😛 )

So, I’m learning a lot about packaging, pricing, promoting etc. etc.  Jumping into fundraising has been really interesting that way.  You just see what works and what doesn’t; that you would do differently next time or not at all. Fun!

A Cookie and Chocolate Sale is a little bit labour intensive, but it has been a great thing for me to work on with my family and friends.  People are really pullling together, and building community was a very important part of this whole thing!  All the women at work have volunteered a little something for this sale, and even Cynthia’s mother in law sent in some gift baskets for a raffle.  I just can’t thank everyone enough.

I think the Niagara College students and staff are really going to enjoy our little sweet sale and we will definitely raise awareness and funds for our library.

Have a great week everyone!



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